Just off the phone with RBS...appparently once they get word of the trust deed they will automatically downgrade my account to basic...acc no. stays the same...only difference is that i can;t have overdraft/credit card, which i wasn;t planning on having anyway.
Protected 2014...due to finish 2018...early finish after selling house!
I opened a bank account with RBS a day before signing my trust deed as a spare account. However, Lloyds tsb "now tsb" didn't cause me any bother during my trust deed - whereas they were known to close accounts outright if they new or found out you were in a trust deed.
I'm sure TDA will agree - I've not read much of this action happening lately on here (closure of accounts) but still a hidden threat to consider and prepare for.
I can only really say what I'd do in this situation.
A bank account is so fundamentally important that it could cause all types of stress and problems if you lost access to one.
Losing access might be temporary, for example until a bank agrees to downgrade the account. That could still take a little while.
It also might be permanent, if a bank doesn't offer any accounts to people in trust deeds or if you owe them money.
For me I'd rather just know in advance that I wasn't likely to be subject to any of this happening to me.