Thanks for all your info
TDA Would you say this is normal the length of time it has taken to adjust on my credit file. I have my form 5 to hand the most important bit..... bu...
Congratulations, it's all over! Great feeling isn't it!
Great news
Bubble bath bubbles going to yir heed?
Why doesn't the debtor get invited to show up.....? Not saying I would have either :o)
My trust deed was run by Stirling & toner. What I would say is consider approaching the experts who contribute on this forum, no harm in contacting th...
I opened a bank account with RBS a day before signing my trust deed as a spare account. However, Lloyds tsb "now tsb" didn't cause me any bother durin...
Thankfully, my car lasted the term of my trust deed, and i now have a new one through a loan from my parents. They are creditiors not too cross. @ lea...
I hope your four years goes in quick, but don't wish your life away. Why was it decided that a trust deed should be extended from three to four years?...
It was an unwelcome letter anyway, after finishing a trust deed I want to move on from it rather that getting more letters reminding me grrr.
Have u actually tried vanquis