Your credit rating and ability to get credit will be seriously damaged and this damage will continue for some time after your discharge.
• Your personal details are listed on the Register of Insolvencies. The register can be searched online and will include your name, address, and key dates related to your sequestration.
• You’re required to cooperate with your trustee; if you don’t your discharge could be delayed.
• Extended restrictions may apply if your prior financial conduct has caused concern. See the Bankruptcy Restriction Order section below.
• You’ll be discharged from Scottish bankruptcy after one year (reduced to six months for MAP cases) and money owed to your creditors gets legally written off.
• If you own assets they will “vest” in your trustee, meaning they can use them to help repay your debts. If you own a home it could be at risk of being sold. Cars worth less than £3,000 should not cause an issue if you can demonstrate a reasonable need to keep a vehicle.
• Your trustee may assess that you can afford a payment (called a Debtor Contribution Order) which runs for four years and is reviewed periodically. Your personal expenditure will be restricted because your surplus income is used to help repay your creditors.
• You must notify your trustee about extra income earned from work.
• If you receive money or property you must notify your trustee; it might have to be used to help repay your debts. This requirement lasts for four years and includes windfalls like an inheritance or lottery win.
• Prior to your discharge you’re restricted from getting new credit.
• It’s likely you’ll need to get a new bank account and your options are typically restricted to basic bank accounts. You should still be able to get a debit card and access to online banking.
• Certain types of debt aren’t included in sequestration in Scotland. This includes fines, compensation, student loans, and debts incurred via fraud.
• If you have a joint debt your joint borrower receives no protection from your bankruptcy. The lender can still demand repayment of the full balance from them.
• The same principle applies if someone has acted as a guarantor for you; the guarantor remains liable for repaying the loan. You cannot choose to exclude guarantor loans from sequestration in Scotland and you cannot continue repaying them directly.
• No special provision is made for money owed to family members or friends. You will not receive an allowance that enables you to continue repaying them.
• Extra considerations may apply if you work in the police, prison service, financial services, military, or the legal profession. All types of employees should check their contract of employment before applying to become bankrupt in Scotland.
• Bankruptcy may be especially disruptive if you are self-employed; in particular if you employ staff or lease premises.
• You cannot serve as a company director until you’re discharged.
• You cannot become an MP or MSP. Other types of public office may also be affected.
• Applications for British Citizenship may be affected.
• You should review your household and vehicle insurance policies because some insurers insert bankruptcy clauses into their policies. If your policy has such a clause, you will not be covered if you need to make a claim.
• Getting business insurance products may be more difficult than getting personal insurance policies. It’s generally still possible, but contact a specialist insurance broker for help with this.
• You may be required (by your trustee) to enter a financial education program that aims to develop money skills that help to prevent future debt problems.
• Money kept in an approved pension scheme is usually safe as it’s treated differently to assets like your home or car. However, if you actually take a lump sum from your pension it’s treated as income and you’ll probably have to pay it to your trustee.
• In the longer-term you can take steps to improve your credit rating.