Having managed to get all my Creditors to update their files to show the correct discharge date on my files with the Credit Agencies, which took a very long time and loads of letters and perseverance, im stuck with one lender (TTI SPC) to take responsibility to update their records to show the correct date, and not four years out of date. ie Nov 2015 instead of the actual Nov 2011.
Ive lettered them, Recorded lettered them but in every case, no response or reply to this complaint.
I doubt its a case of taking this case to the Ombudsman.
In this case it shows how much a Company takes responsibility is resolving minor problems.
I assume i cant be the only person thats having the same problem with this company. If anyone has, did you ever get it resolved?
Hi Rickie1
It is so frustrating isn't it!
You could also consider contacting the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) for advice.
Have you spoken with them directly? I did not see that in your post.
That could be your next step - call them, record name, date time, and conversation. Quote the correspondence you have sent. Ask for this to be escalated to a manager at the time. Advise them you will be raising the matter with the Ombudsman and the FCA unless they correct the record.
You could also write to the Credit Reference Agency for help.
Advise them you cannot get them to respond and correct the record.
Send a copy of the letters you have sent and a copy of the Form 5.
Ask them to correct it or to intervene with the Company.
I believe TTI SPC is an organization that buys debt. Do you know which debt was transferred to them? Do you know if it was before or after the Trust Deed (meaning did you already acknowledge the debt with them before the Trust Deed).
If you know the original company, you could contact them, advise what has happened and ask them to correct the matter for you.
I hope you find some of the above helpful and one works!
Hi Rickie,
This firm's name has popped up here sporadically for the same reason for years.
If you're struggling to contact them (I think they're offshore) you may wish to contact the Information Commissioner. The firm is apparently registered with them:
Accurate information being recorded on credit files falls within the ICO's remit.
Excellent information guys! Much appreciated. Ill let you know how i get on!
And for information, it was Sainsburys Bank who sold them the debt!