Thanks Voice of Reason. I suspected it may be but hoped not [:D]. I was thinking if it was claimed and received during the trust deed it would have ...
Hi I had a mortgage with Northern Rock many years ago. It was settled when I moved mortgage and it was never part of my Trust Deed. My trust deed...
That is correct. When the companies may mark them Satisfied or Partially Satisfied, you may see a PS in the circle, or it may continue red. It is qui...
Hi Misslinds Do you mean the monthly record of payments (often shown in a circular) which is showing in red, amber or green. In my experience, t...
Hi Silly I felt the same for ages. As time went by, I wanted to be clear of the Trust Deed and to see a 'clean sheet'. A reward for the hard work...
Hi EMT I had a similar problem with one of my creditors. In my case there was an issue with the software and after disappearing it kept re-appeari...
Hello Steve1984 They key date is the default date - the account disappears 6 years after the default date. If the account default dates vary sligh...
Hi Rickie1 It is so frustrating isn't it! You could also consider contacting the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) for advice. Have you spoke...
quote:Originally posted by Mandy75 [br]Should all accounts part of your Trust Deed fall off your credit file with the Trust Deed, My 6 years is up at...
quote:Originally posted by Suzie28 [br]Hi Firewalker - I have emailed 4/5 and called one. Not sure how quickly they will get back to me regarding th...
Hi Suzie As TDA says, the Trustee could perhaps help you with that. I had two accounts where I could not find the account number. The Default...
Hi Kezabelle. I am not in a position to say whether they should or should not have. I know they did with mine after the Trust Deed. In fact, if I...
Hi Kezzabelle Congratulations - on completing the Trust Deed and having a baby amidst all that! If you do not know already, defaults and trust d...
Hi Pinpong If the record of his payments shows Default and late/non payment (the red, amber and green circle records month by month on the credit f...
Hi SJM70 TDA is correct. Account can be marked closed with a date. However, it is important that they have a default showing and with the Signing...