Reputable Member
Joined: Mar 6, 2013
Topics: 47 / Replies: 230
RE: Edinburgh Gazette

Luby AIB is a year, but I cant remember how long for the Edinburgh gazette, its not hugely important anyway, but more annoying not knowing.

11 years ago
RE: Edinburgh Gazette

Does my name appear in the gazette for 6 years as well - cant remember?

11 years ago
RE: I want to use a trust but need more advice?!

Perhaps a solicitor may help you......I wouldn't recommend any trustee on this occasion.

11 years ago
RE: Credit report

TDA, my parents have been good enough to get a bank loan in their name so I could get a new car. I bank with the same bank as they do, I've set up a s...

11 years ago
RE: Trust deed

I'll ask the question as its a risky one. Just say with a bit of luck Beavis was to be discharged and received form 5 next week, but did not get ar...

11 years ago
RE: Signing my TD this week!!!!

Louise, Its not urgent that you do this, It's just a thought for later on in the weeks ahead; Its probably worth your while registering yourself on th...

11 years ago
11 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1396
RE: Signing my TD this week!!!!

It's so easy to say I should have done something earlier in regards to debt, but the past is the past and that cant be changed. Some folk in my close ...

11 years ago
RE: Trust Deed 7 years ago

Yes, I agree with plasticdaft that some financial groups refer to old record's perhaps 6years + which isn't good - perhaps a mortgage broker may help?...

11 years ago
RE: Discharge?

TDA I'm glad u did butt in; I really should check before I hit that submit button. I've edited the post.

11 years ago

Have u been discharged Tanyadm?

11 years ago
RE: Signing my TD this week!!!!

I remember these five weeks, the longest five weeks of my life. But once you are finished your trust deed, u will look back on it and say the time wen...

11 years ago
RE: Discharge?

Claree__x this comment isn't directed at you. What would happen if a person made two years worth of payments then went off having a baby for 12 months...

11 years ago
RE: Nationwide cash card plus or TSB

I've had a debit card with the tsb throughout my trust deed without any problems, same with rbs...but i had those accounts set up before i signed my t...

11 years ago
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