Thank you all. [:)]
Something does sound a bit strange here, but without knowing all the facts it is hard to say. Did they try 3 years frat, and then change it to 4 after...
I have heard of people being offered this before, but I would be very wary as you would probably be wasting your money. The best way to improve your c...
Yes that seems right. Ou can ask them to update all the files, although I can't remember the link ! I am sure TDA may be able help when she visits ne...
Yes I would contact your trustee with proof of the bills. Missing one contribution is better than playing catch- up for 2 years.
Hi, our office is closed until 2nd January. It is quite common for firms to close right through the festive season.
Not sure exactly what you mean. If one person were to take on the mortgage, it woud depend on their salary etc. if they could afford it on onne salary...
That was a quick result - well done !! It is great when companies respond as well as this.
You would normally be asked for your previous years accounts, as well as your bank statements for your business accounts. You would also have to chec...
I think TDA is correct is saying read the wording carefully. If however it does say have you been declared bankrupt in the last 12 months, then your a...
That is good to know. I didn't know orange did credit cards!
Hi Lorrainek, the trustee will not discharge you you until all your obligations are met, and that includes realising the equity in your home. How much...