I think the S.24 argument is flawed at best and would certainly argue the point. As you say, I have yet to understand how a Trustee can legally hold ...
Hi tinsoldier I think Trustees are relying on the vagueness of S.24 which should never have been used for this purpose. Mark
Hi Gleith The recent Trustee v Douglas Davidson certainly makes for interesting reading and having read through this, the submissions by the Truste...
Hi Rick66 The Trustee cannot claim on the statutory element as such, however if you started work immediately then the payment and the income from t...
Hi ryn85 In normal PCP deals there is no requirement to make the final balloon payment as the agreements allow you to hand the car back at the end ...
Hi hamnegg85 No this should have no effect on the Trust Deed or your discharge as any debt taken after the Trust Deed is signed will remain your re...
The Trustee's fees and outlays are not added to the debts as such. In terms of the Trust Deed you agree a contribution which is paid into a Trust A...
Hi Commando1 It's actually an interesting point. Logically and the policy adopted by the vast majority of firms is the difference between the valu...
Hi tommo its certainly a strange one and I'll stick by my original thoughts on this. You should speak with your Trustee and ask under what circu...
Hi tommo As normal it's difficult to comment with any degree of certainty without full access to the information. However that said, your responsi...
This one certainly is a mystery, especially if the property has been dealt with. My guess would be that the payments, plus PPI payments have provid...
I was curious why the court sisted the action. Would the 5 year prescription period apply in this case? I wonder if this was the view the Sheriff wa...
I've always thought that the introduction of DAS filled a gap in terms of debt solutions and the post is a good example of how one solution can change...
I think the bigest issue is that people assume the whole process is starting again. However this is not the case. When the Trustee seeks reappointm...
Hi Sillybilly TDA is correct, the V5 only shows the keeper and not the owner. If the property is held in your wife's name only, then this can be...