Reputable Member
Joined: Jul 19, 2012
Topics: 24 / Replies: 416
RE: Credit record 10 months on from form 5

Hi Worried Dad I was not discharged for 13 months after my final payment, so I was registered late on the ROI, although the date did match the Form...

8 years ago
RE: Credit record 10 months on from form 5

Ah - I thought Form 5 was his discharge, and they omitted to register it on the ROI - an admin error that is not Worried Dad's fault. I would have th...

8 years ago
RE: Credit record 10 months on from form 5

Hi Worried Dad I do not know either. However, in your position, I would write to the ROI, enclose a copy of your Form 5 showing discharge date and...

8 years ago
RE: Supreme court appeal

quote:Originally posted by TDA (Debt Adviser) [br]Hi Firewalker. If the trust deed hasn't been 're-opened' I can't see how the trustee could bank ...

8 years ago
RE: Supreme court appeal

Does anyone know where disputed funds (PPI for example) are held? For example must they be kept in a separate account for clients in the Trust Deed...

8 years ago
RE: Credit Report

To add to Mapleleaf's post, ncheck the default dates on each defaulted account and if they differ, highlight the date the Trust Deed was signed and as...

8 years ago
RE: Mortgage application

That seems a bit unfair. It would mean that your Default would disappear at 6 years from start, but you would still be on the ROI for a further year....

8 years ago
RE: Mortgage application

I understand it is still one year after your Trustee is discharged. I suspect (although cannot know for sure) if those carrying out a search know t...

8 years ago
RE: New Job - Experian Credit Check

Hi Segibi? Did you progress with your situation? You have been on my mind.

8 years ago
RE: New Job - Experian Credit Check

Hi Segibi I replied again then realised you had written a longer post and it seemed to be out of sequence. In your circumstances, I would contac...

8 years ago
RE: New Job - Experian Credit Check

Hi Segibi Did you intend to make a comment? I see you are new to the forum. Looks like you have captured TDA's response, as if going to reply bu...

8 years ago
RE: New Job - Experian Credit Check

Hello Segibi As TDA says, employers have a right to put controls in place to minimise risk. Just to clarify - did anyone say there would be a cr...

8 years ago
RE: Tribunal final ruling

Hi Pinalta I am pleased to hear that the Tribunal decision was in your favour and that the result came in time for you to start the year afresh! ...

8 years ago
RE: Default reappeared after 6 years.

Hi Grangelachie I understand your frustration. The good news is that it is only a temporary blip on your credit file, and as soon as it is correct...

8 years ago
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