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Let the payments commence!!

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I have been struggling to stay on top of my debt for what seems like years and finally took the first steps towards dealing with it a few months ago and I am so relieved to say that with the help and guidance of David Tannock, I found out yesterday that my Trust Deed has been accepted and I can now begin the process of becoming debt free!!

After stumbling across the forum and posting for some advice, David responded to all of my questions into the wee small hours and contacted me the next day to chat about my options. Although I was at the point of wanting to get my head out of the sand, I was unsure of the best direction to take and David guided me through every step, visiting me at home to discuss everything with my husband and I and thereafter reassuring me about every little niggle (of which there were many) no matter how small or insignificant! I have been able to contact him directly with any questions which was very important to me and have always received a speedy response. He really has been a god send in a difficult situation and helped me to remain calm and positive about my decision to deal with my debt.

I am in no way proud of myself for ending up in this situation but I am so glad that I finally plucked up the courage to ask for help and very grateful that it came in the form of David Tannock! I honestly feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders and would advise anyone who is struggling with debt to seek advice because there really is a massive light at the end of the tunnel. I no longer dread pay day and I look forward to making my payments and becoming debt free!!

TDA (Debt Adviser)
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Well congratulations to you kc35. It's a big step to take to reach out for advice and sel#8203;ect a way forwards.

I'm pleased to hear that you've been so impressed by the help that you've received from David.

Qualified Debt Adviser & Forum Administrator - Ask me anything about Trust Deeds

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Great post. I was sceptical of how my trust deed would pan out but its been a very useful tool to restart our lives financially. Good luck.


Trust deed completed Jan 2012,Trustee discharge Nov 2012.
A new dawn.

David Tannock
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Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 2581

Hi Kc35,

Sorry for the delay in responding to this. I got married the same time as your post and wasn't allowed onto the forum by my now wife for a couple of days to enjoy our wedding and a 2 day honeymoon from the kids! By the time I popped back on it had fallen down the board.

Thank you for taking the time to share your story and for the positive feedback regarding dealing with me as your advisor and Wylie Bisset. I am on the front end of our business but behind me is a fantastic team so credit also needs to go to them.

For most people it's hard to take that first step and pull their head out of the sand. Dealing with debt and not knowing where to turn or who to trust can be a big problem. Once they do find the courage to do so there are good advisors and companies out there to help. As Plasticdaft has said people are sceptical about a Trust Deed and if it actually works but it does and posts like this help people take that first step.

That quick response to a query I think is key to helping someone in the early stages of their journey. I've noticed that there isn't as many questions being fired at me at all hours but you know where I am if you have a 2am worry.

Now you Trust Deed has been accepted and successfully become protected you can relax knowing that all you need to do is maintain your payments and you will be debt free in 48 months. I just spoke with a client who finished their 5 year journey with me yesterday and it felt like yesterday that I was sitting in their house at 8pm on a Wednesday evening discussing their options. I'm sure before we know it I'll be having that same chat with you.

David is not currently posting in the Trust-Deed.co.uk forum
