Hi everyone !!
Just want to wish all the people involved in this great forum a very happy new year !! This site is amazing & I think the experts do a great job, and the advice is /2nd to none !! We are hoping to b disgrace he'd early in 2014, last payment was end of November.
To those thinking of a trust deed I can honestly say, for us,it was the best thing we ever did !! Anyone currently in process of a TD it'll b over before you know it !!
Wishing you all a happy & pr
Sorry on phone uv bath (bad idea)....
Happy & prosperous new year, but above all healthy coz our health is way more important than debt.....and getting rid of your debt will help ur health no end !!!!!
Have u been having few drinks in the bath???
Haha Louise !! Nope.....just bad eyesight & predictive text x
Bubble bath bubbles going to yir heed?
Hi boys1211,
Thanks for the kind comments. It's a really positive post for other people to read who may be starting out on the road to debt relief.
All the best for 2014 and the future.
David is not currently posting in the Trust-Deed.co.uk forum