Hi, im about 20 months away from the 6 year period since the initial TD being signed in Oct 2011.
Obviously I've completed my TD with the Debtor discharge date being Dec 2014, however as with other cases, the Trustee discharge date is still active due to i assume PPI cases outstanding.
Anyway, when i complete the current three years after completing my TD, does all information regarding my TD get removed off all the Credit agencies or is this another case of another chase-up i will be involved in?
Also, what paperwork will i receive to say this case is now complete and finished? Or will i get any notification or paperwork at all?
Anyone enlighten me the scenario if they have finished the 6 years after starting their trust deed? ie, what life is like afterward for car credit etc?
Hello Rickie1.
There's no chasing regards the trust deed entry on your credit file - it will vanish around six years after it appeared.
Your trustee will issue "Form 6" when they're ready to be discharged. A copy may come to you but you can monitor for this happening on the Register of Insolvencies yourself.
Regarding access to credit after six years, hopefully some members will share their own experience. Much will depend upon whether you've taken steps in the interim to address the accuracy of the contents of your credit report and to build some positive credit history again.
Lenders will also be very interested in "affordability" as well as your credit report. Taking on many commitments may well make accessing credit harder and/or more expensive.
Hi, Thanks for the feedback. Surely though if all past history has been wiped clean, lenders wont, or shouldn't be any the wiser to my past history? or do they have their own system which still has this info? I a currently have an Aqua credit card which i use every month and pay off along with a Mastercard Cashplus pre paid card which also credits your monthly account with the credit agencies with the payments you make. My credit score is rising slowly each month, nothing to shout about, but at least in the right direction. My main objective is to be able to purchase a car after the six years and just trying to find out from other experiences of the same situation.
The trust deed will not show up after six years Rickie1, but if any of your creditors issued default notices (for example) after the start of your trust deed they'll still be there (until they're also older than six years).
That's why it's important to review the content of your credit report for accuracy. If default notices have been issued after the start of your trust deed you can contact the creditors directly to have them backdated.
Interesting information,i checked my credit report a few days ago to see that i have defaulted payments from a trust deed creditor.Its been over 6 years from start to finish of my TD. Where would i start with 'asking' said creditor to update their records so this doesnt show on my records?. I have my discharge letter etc. No other lender has a defaulted payment against me... just that one.
Welcome to the forum User1977.
Hopefully this article will help to explain what you can do (and why) a little more:
Essentially though it's a case of writing to, or calling, the creditor concerned and requesting that they correct a default notice date to the time your trust deed started.
Thanks for the speedy reply. I will contact them with my relevant information and ask them to rectify their records.
Many thanks!
The ico website has a list of data controllers. Direct letters at them for any creditors with incorrectly dated defaults.
Trust deed completed Jan 2012,Trustee discharge Nov 2012.
A new dawn.
As a few of my Creditors has entered default dates on my credit report, which are wrong as they are far later than the date of Nov 2011, this in turn will still show well after my 6years completion date. Have i any right to contact them just now to ask them to rectify their records on my credit report?
Also in regard to the ICO, does anyone have a simple template we could use to accompany the request for the updates from the creditors?
Hi Rickie1.
You're perfectly entitled to demand that any default notice with an issue date after your trust deed began is backdated (to when the trust deed began).
From Trust-Deed.co.uk's perspective we don't provide or feature template letters. Another member might be able to point you towards something that has worked for them though.
You also have the option to submit your demand in the form of a complaint rather than in the form of a request to a data controller.
Thank you for that. Very helpful. Thanks again. Im on it as we speak.
I compiled a letter to one of my creditors. Im sure it covers everything required for the company to do something about it. Copy and paste if you want to sort yours, although don't forget to fill in the blanks. Hoping it works.
Dear Sir/ Madam
We notice looking at our Credit reports that you served a รรรฟDefault Notice' against us starting from (date) with Call Credit & (date) with Equifax.
As per the Information Commissioners Office, the Data Protection Act, fourth principle clearly states that this information should be accurate and up to date.
I signed a trust deed on (date) which became protected and was subsequently discharged on (date) and the (company) was included within the Trust Deed. You have copies of my Discharge Notification and a copy of the original Trust Deed in your records.
I originally wrote;
It is requested that if you intend to default the account, the default entry must be (date), in accordance with the Data Protection Act. This obviously never happened in accordance with my request or in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
If you have sold the debt on, according to the Information Commissioner, you are still liable to ensure that both you and the new holder are aware and that as the originator of the information it is your responsibility to ensure that it is corrected.
Therefore, we demand that these default notices with the issue date your entered is updated accordingly & backdated to the Trust Deed start date of (date) as per the copies of the correspondence you have previously received from me.
After the 28 days have elapsed the Information Commissioner has requested that I inform them if your company fails to update the records so that they may take any necessary enforcement action against your company