I'd be tempted to simply ask your current mortgage lender if any deals are available to you but you may find it hard for a while until your credit rat...
Co op cashminder is decent. Free and online plys a mobile app. Paul
Pretty poor that the customer has to deal with this but just tell max recocery about the TD. No doubt they will want proof etc!!!
Public information is the section our td was listed in. Paul
Be upfront at the car dealer you choose as they may well have finance companies for those with colourful history credit wise.
What was their reasoning? Paul
Remember you owe the full amount of your original debts until your agreement ends. Only then is any amount forgiven.
Be prepared to argue the toss but nothing ventured nothing gained! Paul
I think its a simple scatter gun mailshot rather than being directed at you. Records from back then will be long gone. Paul
Ours dropped after upgrading our co op basic bank account to a nationwide flex account! Paul
Yorkshire BS do good savings accounts with no restrictions on those of us in trust deeds. Co op wouldnt allow me a savings account either!!
Tenner a month! More if they could sort out my canada square operations(egg loan) default still on file 6 years after the default!!!
Our td ran over 42 months. This was due to high level of debt and to ensure sufficient returns to get td protected. Paul
Registration Number: Z5722895 Date Registered:?á10 October 2001 ?á?á?áRegistration Expires:?á09 October 2015 Data Controller:?áTSB Bank PLC A...
Well done on completing a trust deed. Welcome to the debt freedom restart your life club!! Paul